About Us

The Antiochian House of Studies (AHOS) was established in 1980, under the aegis of the ancient and unbroken tradition of the Greek Orthodox Patriarchate of Antioch, with the express purpose of offering a theological education to as broad a public as possible. For over 40 years, through its unique distance-learning framework, AHOS has offered programs of theological study for Orthodox Christians and others to increase their knowledge of the faith and to acquire practical skills in support of their work in the Church. For more about the history of AHOS, please see Our History.

As an internationally renowned program of Orthodox theological study, the following AHOS degrees are now accredited by the Association of Theological Schools in the United States and Canada (ATS):

  • Master of Theological Studies
  • Master of Pastoral Care & Counseling
  • Master of Divinity
  • Doctor of Ministry
  • PhD in Orthodox Studies

The following non-degree program is also offered:

  • St. Stephen’s Certificate in Orthodox Theology

In the 40 years since the inception of AHOS, its programs of study have offered specialized academic training on a professional level to thousands of students from all over the world, representing all Orthodox Christian jurisdictions as well as students from the Roman Catholic Church and Protestant denominations including Lutheran, Episcopal, Evangelical, Methodist, Southern Baptist, the Church of England, and many more.

Mission Statement

The Antiochian House of Studies (AHOS) brings the Ethos of the historical “School of Antioch,” of the Roum Orthodox Patriarchate of Antioch and all the East to North America. Antioch has a missionary heritage with rich ethnic and linguistic diversity to all. AHOS provides a distinctly Antiochian Orthodox Christian education for clergy, laity, and others by establishing an opportunity to experience the Orthodox way of life. The House of Studies creates curriculum that provides for the teaching of Orthodox worship, doctrine, action, and relationship for its participants through rigorous academic studies and spiritual direction. This is accomplished through a curriculum that can be lived through residential and hybrid learning opportunities in an atmosphere of intimate home environment from which our name “House” comes. We are committed to being faithful to our Apostolic Tradition, preserved and expressed in the Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of North America.


For many years, the Master’s degree has been granted in partnership with the Saint John of Damascus School of Theology of the University of Balamand in Lebanon, and has been internationally accredited by the Commission for Higher Learning of the Republic of Lebanon.

On June 7, 2022, the Antiochian House of Studies received full accreditation through the Association of Theological Schools (www.ats.edu) to offer the following degrees:

Master of Divinity
Master of Theological Studies
Master of Pastoral Care & Counseling
Doctor of Ministry
Doctor of Philosophy

AHOS Administrative Officers

V. Rev. Michel Najim, President
Rt. Rev. Fr. Fadi Rabbat, Academic Dean
Dn. Emmanuel Gergis, Vice President
V. Rev. George Shalhoub, Provost
V. Rev. Joseph Antypas, Vice President of Business Development

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