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Participation in the in-person Residency is central to the AHOS education.

Residency is held at the Antiochian Village in western Pennsylvania, USA


NEW STUDENTS: In-person participation in a one- or two-week Residency is required of all students at the START of their first year of study. Length and frequency of Residency depends on the particular program - see below. Residency is considered the official start of the academic year and in-person participation is expected of all students

CONTINUING STUDENTS: For two years during the Covid-19 pandemic, exceptions were made while virtual attendance at a “Residency” was allowed (2020 and 2021). However, AHOS has returned to the in-person Residency experience. Thus, students who attended a “virtual Residency” in 2020 and/or 2021, but who had an interruption in their course sequence in the year following that Residency, must attend the in-person Residency at the start of the year when they plan to resume (or complete) their studies. These students must confirm with the Registrar and the Residency Director as to which week of Residency to attend. Residency is considered the official start of the academic year and in-person participation is expected of all students.

In addition to online courses, all programs require students to participate in the in-person Residency, during which time students and faculty gather for intensive study, daily church services, meals and fellowship at the Antiochian Village Conference & Retreat Center. Located in the Laurel Highlands of western Pennsylvania, this beautiful facility includes comfortable accommodations, delicious food prepared on-site, a theological library, chapel, museum, bookstore, and scenic Meditation Trail.

Antiochian Heritage Library, Antiochian Village

Students in the MTS, MPCC, and St. Stephen's Certificate programs are required to attend two one-week Residencies during the course of their studies, held at the end of August/early September. Most students attend one week at the start of each year for their first two years. Under special circumstances, such as in the case of international students, students may be approved to attend two consecutive weeks of Residency in a single year. Students in the PhD in Orthodox Studies and MDiv Program are required to attend two-weeks of Residency each year, with specific program requirements available under those program pages.

Saints Peter & Paul Chapel, Antiochian Village



NEW STUDENTS entering their 1st year of study in the MTS and Saint Stephen's Certificate programs should plan to attend RESIDENCY WEEK 1, starting with an Orientation session on Sunday evening, August 25 and concluding with lunch on Friday, August. 30, 2024.

CONTINUING STUDENTS in the MTS and Certificate programs (including those returning after an interruption of their studies to complete courses in Units 3, 4 or 5, and who have not attended Week 2 of the in-person Residency in the past) should plan to attend RESIDENCY WEEK 2, starting with an Introductory Session on Sunday evening, Sept. 1 and concluding with lunch on Friday, Sept. 6, 2024.

New and continuing students in the MPCC (Master's in Pastoral Care & Counseling) program should plan to attend RESIDENCY WEEK 2, starting with an Orientation session on Sunday evening, Sept. 1 and concluding with lunch on Friday, Sept. 6, 2024.

attend TWO WEEKS of Residency at the start of their first year of study, and another two weeks at the start of their second and third years of study, followed by a one-week Residency at the conclusion of their studies. For 2024, all MDiv students will begin Residency with the Orientation session on Sunday evening, August 25 and conclude their two weeks with lunch on Friday, Sept. 6, 2024. Attendance at both weeks, plus the weekend in between, is required of all MDiv students.

attend two weeks of Residency at the start of their first year of study, followed by two-week Residencies each fall. For 2024, Residency for the current cohort of PhD students will start with an Orientation session on Sunday evening, August 25 and will conclude with lunch on Friday, Sept. 6, 2024. Attendance at both weeks is required. PhD students may opt to leave Antiochian Village over the weekend that falls in between the two weeks (depart Friday lunch, return Sunday night).

ONLINE REGISTRATION and details about the Residency will be made available to active and newly accepted students in Populi on May 15, 2024: 
When logged into your student Populi account, click on "Files" at the top left corner of your screen (in black bar) and then click on the "Fall Residency" folder. There you will find the Residency Director's letter containing pertinent details and a link to register online.

Students are responsible for paying their own Residency costs which include transportation, lodging and meals for the Residency period. Any Tuition & Fees paid to AHOS are completely separate from the costs of the Residency and are billed separately.

are invited to attend a Graduation ceremony to be held during the Residency. Details to follow.

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