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AHOS Publications

Welcome to the AHOS Publications Hub! Here, you’ll find a curated collection of books, liturgical guides, and academic resources designed to support clergy, catechists, and laypersons in their spiritual and educational journeys. Explore our publications to deepen your understanding of Orthodox Christian theology, liturgy, and tradition.

The Services of Initiation (Second Revised Edition)

V. Rev. Michel Najim and V. Rev. Patrick B. O’Grady
A comprehensive guide to the sacred Mystery of Christian initiation, perfect for clergy and laypersons. This revised edition includes improved layouts, expanded appendices, and practical insights.
Kindle, Paperback, Hard Cover
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The Mystery of Holy Matrimony

V. Rev. Fr. Michel Najim, V. Rev. Fr. Patrick O’Grady , Prof. Anastasios Ioannides
This publication presents a fresh translation of the Greek text, delving into each aspect of the rubrics in detail. Additionally, it explores the subsequent Service of Removal of Crowns and the Service of Second Marriage, which is utilized for cases of second (or third) marriage solemnization.
Kindle, Paperback, Hard Cover
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