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Thesis Guidelines

Like many schools of theology, the Antiochian House of Studies requires use of the Turabian format for all Master’s and Doctoral papers. As such, students are expected to refer to A Manual for Writers of Research Papers, Theses, and Dissertations, by Kate L. Turabian, available through the Antiochian Village online bookstore.

Please refer to the following links for further information:

Guide – the hyperlink needs to read: Master Thesis Handbook

Attachment 1 – the hyperlink needs to read: Master Thesis Attachment 1 – Supervisor and Second Reader Form

Attachment 2 – the hyperlink needs to read: Master Thesis Attachment 2 – Title Page Sample

Attachment 3 –  the hyperlink needs to read: Master Thesis Attachment 3 – Certificate of Completion Form

Guidelines for Formatting Your Thesis

Guidelines for Printing and Binding Your Thesis

Guidelines for Submitting Your Thesis


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